An appointment in Springfield was a perfect excuse for an overnight trip, coffee shops, gaming, and more. Last week, my son had an initial oral dental surgery appointment in Springfield. Not wanting to waste an opportunity for an overnight trip, I quickly looked to see what was available on Airbnb for those dates. Two of my favorite areas to staying in Springfield is downtown and on C-Street. Since he doesn’t usually go with me on business trips, I wanted to find a really cool place to stay for the night. Above the tattoo place, there is a two-bedroom loft called Beeman’s Brick Loft. “Beeman’s Loft gives you a view into the mid-century look at Historic Springfield. This two-bedroom loft living space includes a private deck perfectly suited for an Urban sunset evening, including grill and chiminea.” It sounded exactly like what I was looking for!

The appointment was scheduled bright and early, so we headed out while the sun was coming up. Thankfully we both like the same music! That meant our trip was full of awesome road trip music. We even had an impromptu headbanging session while stopped in traffic. Bohemian Rhapsody always sets the mood for a great drive!
The appointment was over quickly, which let us move on to the fun part of the trip! What types of places do we go to while we are in town? Renaissance Books and Barnes and Noble are a given. Plus, as you know by now, coffee shops are mandatory. We couldn’t check in to the loft until 3, so we took our time. I picked up some new books and a few other things.
Before we actually checked in to the loft, we grabbed a coffee and a smoothie at Big Momma’s. They have a fun vibe, and their chalkboard menu is full of drinks to try. I can also say they have amazing chocolate chip cookies! We grabbed our drinks and headed over to check-in.
The loft did not disappoint! My son’s reaction was totally worth the anticipation. He loves these kinds of places just as much as I do. Since we were worn out from the early morning drive, we decided to order in pizza and start fresh in the morning.

The next day, we had a few more places we wanted to check out before leaving town. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate, so we decided on breakfast and coffee at Eurasia Coffee Company. After a delicious breakfast sandwich, we decided to check out a game shop and then head back. All in all, it was a fun, quick trip, and I can’t wait until the next one!