What an epic girl’s weekend! Yes, that is the subject of this blog post. Last month, I hopped into the car and drove to Tennessee to meet up with 2 of the Sacred Six accountability group. The Sacred Six is a group of very powerful women who have known each other online for two years. We check in daily, have shared our life journeys with each other but have never met in person! The trip came to be due to my husband being gone for a week-long guys trip so I figured I might as well do something for myself. I threw out the idea of a meetup and we just went from there. Nashville, Tennessee was a halfway point for us so we started working on the details, including the AirBnBs we wanted to stay at.
I headed out on Tuesday morning with my google map set to avoid highways and toll roads, meaning I took the long route to Nashville but it was a beautiful day and the drive was amazing. The only thing to note for the future is that there are fewer bathroom stops along the way so be prepared for that!
I knew my first stop would be a coffee shop of course and Cape Girardeau had quite a few so I did a quick search and found a place called Ground About. I had ordered an iced dirty chai with avocado toast. It was delicious and just the pit stop I needed. I continued my journey toward Tennessee driving over three bridges that I did not consider I would be going over. I do have a love-hate relationship with bridges especially when I’m the one driving and I cannot detour around them but I made it through and got into Ashland City early in the evening.
I booked a loft apartment downtown. It was very tastefully decorated and had some great accents, open ceilings, and great hardwood floors. I dropped off my bags and quickly went to see if I could get to the water and found a paved trail with some great trees and scenery. Since I was by myself I decided not to go too far down along the trail since I didn’t know how long it would take me and it was getting dark. I grabbed some Mexican food for my dinner, went back to my room, and crashed for the evening.
Since I was picking up Victoria at the Nashville Airport later in the afternoon, I had time to explore by myself so I went into Nashville that morning and made some stops around the town including a coffee shop of course because even though I booked a place right above a coffee shop they were closed that day! Southern Crystal Supply was my first stop. The ladies had a gorgeous shop and while I was there I asked where the best coffee shops were located and received a list to stop at while we were in town.

I picked up Victoria from the airport and we immediately went to the coffee shop to just catch up in person. It was raining by this time so we decided to head to our Airbnb that was just outside of Erin, Tennessee. It felt like we had known each other our whole lives and being together in person was the icing on the cake.
To say I was nervous about our Airbnb was a slight understatement. The closer we got to Erin the deeper we drove into the heart of Tennessee. The route we took seemed like it was off the beaten path but that was ok because the scenery was worth it. However, we were well out of the city by this time and the biggest town was not very big! We grabbed a bite at Jenni’s Cafe and grabbed a few groceries at the local Piggly Wiggly and headed to the house. The house was a very pleasant surprise! It was actually a new home that was built on top of a ridge and had a distant view of Kentucky Lake. We had plenty of room to spread out and also the living area was an open concept and that made it feel more spacious. The view off the back deck was perfect for relaxing and enjoying a morning cup of coffee. It was so quiet and peaceful out there… a little spooky but still very relaxing. Victoria had never seen fireflies before and they came out in full force to give her a show.

The next morning we decided to tour Erin, Tennessee while waiting for Harmony to arrive. We had lunch at the Erin Coffee Shop and walked around the square to kill time. We also drove out to another marina but apparently, they are only open on the weekends. The rest of the afternoon and evening we just hung out at the house. Harmony arrived that evening with pizzas for us to cook. We all were talking like crazy, hugging each other’s necks and taking selfies to send to the rest of the group. Again, it felt like we had known each other forever.
Our weekend was filled with touring Nashville, good food, fun music and drinks and so more memories I can write about. Downtown Nashville was a blast. It took quite a few stops but I finally found a place that wasn’t playing country music. They paid me back by touring the Johnny Cash museum and going to White Horse Saloon. No, I did not line dance!
We are already planning next year’s trip when fingers crossed, all six of us can get together! We missed you Patsy, Jeannette, and Michelle, more than you will ever know. But I do know that this isn’t the only time that we will be together in person!