Don’t worry; we aren’t going anywhere! It’s just time to say goodbye to 2020 and to welcome in the New Year. While many of you may set goals or resolutions, I would like to give you a few extra things to think about as we start planning for the new year.

Before you jump into 2021, why not say goodbye to 2020. What I mean by that is, have you actually looked to see what all you have done and accomplished this year? While you might be thinking, Angie, it’s 2020, we haven’t done anything, I beg to differ! You have actually lived what some might say has been the hardest year of your life. Take a minute to really soak that in and pat yourself on the back. While you are doing that, get out a notebook and your calendar and start a list of things you can really celebrate. It doesn’t matter how small, write it down and then celebrate it! Yes, this may have been a hard year, but you can do hard things. It’s time to really look in the mirror and own your strength. If you are thinking, “you don’t know me” or “this is not me”, then maybe you have the one thing you need to put on your list for 2021.
The second thing that I suggest doing is to let the year go! Write your list, celebrate your wins, mourn and grieve your losses and then put them to rest. This might mean ripping up your list, or if you are like me… burn it! Personally, I get great satisfaction in ripping up my list and then watching it burn. It feels like I am closing a chapter, clearing away all the year’s baggage and making room for what I want to bring into my life for 2021.

This brings me to the final step… what do you want to achieve in 2021? Again, It doesn’t have to be something huge but make it quantifiable. What do I mean by that? Get detailed.. don’t leave it too broad. Instead of saying, I want to lose weight, get specific! I want to lose 20 pounds and then give it a date. This allows you to really see what steps you will need to take to achieve this goal. It is specific and measurable.
One bonus that I would like to add is to make it fun! Instead of just writing out your goals for the year, how about turning it into a vision board that you can hang in your office. Or why not get the whole family involved? This would be a great conversation starter with your partner and your kids! Find some old magazines and start cutting out things that inspire you… images, sayings, even individual words. Turn on some music and start feeling the magic! Make 2021 the year of possibilities!!