Technology Driven | Community Centered
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- Adventure Seekers
- Day Trip Takers
- Bold Business Owners
- Spirited Entrepreneurs
This is the site for you!

GO TO BLU is your go to place for all things technology driven and community centered.
We are on a journey to make GoToBlu the go to place to find answers to questions like: “Where is the best coffee shop in Missouri?” to “What CRM tool do you recommend for my business?”
On GoToBlu you will find things like:
- Resources we use and recommend
- Affiliate Marketing
- Business Tips and Marketing
- Blog Posts, Travel Tips and Reviews
Our Adventures
On the road with GoToBlu
Cuba Coffee Co: A Local Gem in Cuba, Missouri
What’s Your Summer Style?
Spring Break: The Great Migration of Sun-Seekers and Adventure Junkies
Spooky Business Getaways: Haunted Destinations for the Daring Entrepreneur
Autumn Adventures Await
GPS Tracking for Outfitting Businesses
Introducing BluTrails, a GPS Tracking Service. Are you an Outfitting business or a State Park with floating, trail rides, ATV trails, or hiking? Blu Trails is perfect for you to manage the location of your customers. Using the GPS service on their mobile device, you can give your customers a customized map made by you and see their location. Have a floater that is missing? Using Blu Trails, you can determine their location and send help or assistance. As a user of Blu Trails, you can determine where you are at on the trails and maps by using waypoints. Want to find out how much farther you have until the end of the float? It’s easy to see your location using Blu Trails!